Agile Robotics for Industrial Automation Competition (ARIAC) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) , USA

The National Institute of Standards and Technology in Collaboration with IEEE CASE held the first-ever Agile Robotics for Industrial Automation Competition (ARIAC).  The competition is simulation-based and designed to promote robot agility by utilizing the latest advances in artificial intelligence and robot planning.

The competition involves programming a 15 Degree of Freedom (DOF) Robot using ROS, MoveIt and C++, to move in an industrial environment which has conveyor belts, shelves and bins and also moving obstacles. The goal is to pick and deliver parts as requested by the user without affecting the overall industrial environment functionality. The robot has to be agile and robust to scenarios, which involves the robot itself to be faulty, sensor blackouts and faulty grippers where the part slips out from the robot gripper.


  • In this scenario, there are no faulty parts that need to be delivered. But one of the red pulley (roll) orientation has to be pi. So the part is flipped by 180 degrees.


  • In this scenario, there is one faulty part that needs to be discarded. The quality control sensor on top of the AGV detects it and throws the part away.


  • In this scenario, there is one green disk part that’s faulty, which will be discarded and replaced by another one. Also, one of the red pulley (roll) orientation has to be pi. So the part is flipped by 180 degrees.


  • In this scenario, the gripper itself becomes faulty while delivering parts to the AGV. But the camera on top of the robot senses the wrong pose (position and orientation) of the part and instructs the robot to repick and place it in the desired pose by the user.


  • The robotic gripper here is faulty, and the part slips and falls at a wrong pose on the AGV tray. The Robot recognizes the part being placed at the wrong location and tries to recorrect the part pose