Baxter Robot Forward and Inverse Kinematics
Validation of the forward and inverse kinematics of the Baxter robotic arm. A custom GUI was created in MATLAB to vary the joint angle of the robot. For avoiding the infinite solution problem and kinematically redundant case, we will be setting one degree of freedom (Elbow roll E0) to zero all the time. Now the resultant Baxter arm is a 6 DOF robot arm.
- According to Pieperโs solution, for an analytic Inverse Kinematic solution to exist, the robot must have a minimum of three consecutive frames with the same origin. But in the case of Baxter’s arm, the presence of the link offset ๐ฟ5โ 0 does not allow the system to have more than two consecutive frames with the same origin. Therefore, in order to calculate the inverse kinematic solutions, the link length ๐ฟ5 is set to 0. The link length being the smallest link of all the other links considered, the final error in computing the joint angles will be relatively small.
- Therefore, to calculate the analytic solution to Baxter’s arm, the joint ๐3 is locked to 0 and the link length ๐ฟ๐ฟ5 is assumed to be zero.