Internship Period: July 2018 to September 2018 [3 months]
- Mentored and worked with 8 different teams consisting of 32 people on projects related to Robotics, IOT and Computer Vision.
- Lead 2 teams to 2nd prize and Best innovative project award on a National Level Hackathon Competition held at IIT Madras Research Park.
Kaizen Robotic Pogram: Level 1
The course covers topics including:
1. Basics of Robotics
2. Micro-controllers (AVR ATMEGA 16)
3. Embedded C Programming
4. Line Follower Robot
5. Obstacle Avoidance Robot
6. Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC)
7. Interfacing Analog sensors
8. Light Intensity Based Robots
9. Direction Controlled Robot
10. Arduino Programming
11. UART – Serial Communication & Computer Controlled Robot
12. Bluetooth Controlled Robot
13. Working with Stepper & Servo Motors
14.Cartesian Robots – Handwriting Robot
Kaizen Robotic Pogram: Level 2
The course covers topics including:
-Manually Controlled Robot
-Manually Controlled Robot Arm
-Gesture Controlled Pick and Place Robot
-Wireless Communication
-MEMS Acelerometer
-Computer Controlled Robot
-Serial Communication
-Maze Solving Robot
-Shortest Path Algorithm
Line Maze Solving Robot – PRAGYAN
- Built an autonomous robot that “senses” the ground and move to the target without external interference.
- During the first onsite round, the robot has to follow an encoded path, and reach the target, controlling its motion based on the encoded data.
- During the final onsite round, the robot has to map a line maze and traverse the shortest path between two specified points in the maze
Bluetooth Controlled Robotic Arm using Servos
- The Arms were controlled with the help of Servo motors.
- The servo motors communicated with Arduino via I2C communication which made connecting 8 servos to Arduino UNO by using only 4 GPIO pins possible.
- A mobile app was created with MIT App Inventor which sent serial inputs to the arm using Bluetooth.